Personal Information Protection Policy

1 Definition of Personal Information

In this Privacy Policy, “personal information” refers to “personal information” as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

2 Acquisition of Personal Information

We will acquire personal information in an appropriate manner to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use, and will not acquire personal information through improper means.

3 Purpose of Use

We will use the acquired personal information for the following purposes

  1. To ship products, provide related after-sales services, and notify customers of new products and services
  2. To respond to inquiries regarding our services
  3. Notification of changes to the terms and conditions of our services, etc.

4 Provision to Third Parties

We will not provide personal information to third parties (including parties located outside of Japan) without obtaining the prior consent of the user, except as required by law. (including parties located outside of Japan) without the prior consent of the user, except as required by law.

5 Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, and Deletion

When we receive a request from a user to disclose, correct, suspend, or delete his/her personal information, we will do so without delay after confirming the identity of the user, unless otherwise required by law.

6 Contact for Inquiries

For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the following

7 Privacy Policy

We will change this Privacy Policy as necessary.
Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on the Company’s website.

[Enacted on January 16, 2021]